The best ways to prepare for your newborn session with Shawna Marie Photography

1. When you fill out your Newborn information and contract form, tell me all the things about what you like? Tell me what professions the parents are in, colors you love for newborn photos, fun hobbies baby's parents are involved in, what kind of things are important to you? Does mom love to shop? Love wine? Love Starbucks? Do you have a favorite flower? Is your baby a rainbow baby? Let me know it ALL and we will make your session custom and very special!  

2. We want baby to sleep as much as possible during the session. If you are able to play with and keep baby awake for an hour or 2 before your session, that is super helpful. It's not always possible, so don't make it stressful, but give it a try!

3. Bring a pacifier even if baby doesn't take one! You wouldn't believe how many parents have told me their baby won't take a pacifier, only to have them sucking away at it during their newborn shoot. You won't create a habit just using it this one time, nor hurt their latch. It really just helps them settle and self soothe during a session. We can usually get much more variety and cooperation with just a few sucks on the paci! 

4. If you're nursing, try not to eat gassy foods the day before the session, beans, cabbage or things that make you personally gassy. These pass through babies milk and they can be uncomfortable and cranky for their session. 

5. RELAX! It doesn't help anyone to get stressed for the photo session. Take your time getting ready, if you're a few min late it's totally fine! Don't worry if baby comes in fussing. I got this! Just sit back on the sofa, help yourself to a snack and a drink and enjoy the time when someone else is tending to the little one. 

Now, if you're ready for a fun, creative, relaxing newborn session, get in touch! You can call or text Shawna directly at 317-319-6045 or you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ! I'm so excited to plan your newborn session with you!

Hosea- Central Indiana Newborn Photography

Little Hosea came in just before Christmas (yes I'm always way behind on blogging. lol) He did absolutely amazing and the little man has gone viral on TikTok! lol. Go see his video at  he actually has a few on there, but this has a few million views. He was the sweetest little guy and a dream to work with!

Sweet little Homer - Newborn Photos in Central Indiana

This little guy! Oh my goodness! I had so much fun with him! He was awake a LOT! As you can see in the photos, but he was so so chill! Even with eyes wide open, he let me pose him and he just stayed there! I honestly haven't experienced a little one quite that easy before lol. Check out some of my favorites from his adorable gallery and then be sure to book yours asap!  

Did you know we offer payment plans on newborn sessions? All you have to do is pay the $200 deposit to hold your date and we can work out the remainder of the fee in a payment plan that works for you! Don't let price be the reason you don't get amazing newborn photos! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 317-319-6045 to book your newborn session! 


Sales are something that I very very rarely ever do, but times are tough for many and I wanted to share a little Holiday spirit! From now until Black Friday, all of my newborn sessions are 40% off! You don't have to use it by Black Friday, you just need to purchase the session and let me know the month your baby is due. I will put you on the calendar and you will be able to book your actual time slot once baby is born! 

To book this session, just contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 317-319-6045 and I will send you a link to book your session! 

Newborn Black Friday Sale

All new newborn packages that include digital images | Indiana newborn photographer

You asked, and we listened! We are now offering new newborn session options. All options include some digital images and options to also purchase prints and products at discounted prices when you purchase one of our larger sessions. We recognize that many people want the digitals, but also, that many of you would like to be able to order from our high quality product menu. 

You can view each of these newborn sessions and our grow with me plan on our main page 

Each session requires a $200 deposit to hold your date, then the remainder is due 2 days before you session date. This means, if you book early, you can make multiple small payments towards your session. This makes it more doable for many more people! Just ask when you book and we will set up your plan! 

A Few of my recent Newborns |Indianapolis Newborn Photographer



It's been awhile since I have posted any of my new babies! Here are a few of my favorites from recent sessions <3 If you are looking for a Newborn photographer who has tons of patience and experience and does everything as safely as possible, shoot me an email or give me a call and let's chat about your own unique custom session! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 317-319-6045





















newborn photos

Hadley | Indiana Newborn Photos

I recently had little miss Hadley in for her newborn photos. She actually came by once for her Hospital photos since she was born at Hancock Regional Hospital. Then she came back for a full session. She slept so well. We were able to get a lot of different poses. Here are a few of my favorites <3

If you're looking to book your newborn session, I recommend doing that when you are around 20-25 weeks to make sure you are locked in for a session. I only take so many a month so that I can fit everyone if babies are born early or late. To book just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 317-319-6045 and we will get you all set up!

Newborn Studio Renovation

Shawna Marie Photography's newborn studio has a whole new look! It will now be much easier for you to view and choose props and relax out of the way while your newborn is being photographed. Take a look and then be sure to give us a call or email and book your session!

Parents this area is for you! A nice place to sit back and relax, or even take a nap while we work our magic! And a fully stocked changing table for your little one as well. Be sure to help yourself to diapers, wipes, lotion and diaper rash cream.

Don't forget to flip through our albums and magazines to think about what you might want to do with your own photos!

There are many color schemes and hats, headbands, outfits and wraps to make your session reflect your style, and lots of props to choose from as well.

And of course the 2 areas where the magic happens! We shoot the props with different drops and floors, and over to the right is our posing table for those sweet simple wrapped and natural baby poses.

2022 Newborn sessions are booking quickly. I highly recommend booking around 20 weeks to ensure that you have a spot. However, if you have had your baby and you are just now looking, don't hesitate to call and check. I save spots for the spontaneity of newborn births, so occasionally I will have last minute spots available.

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 317-319-6045 to book your newborn session!

Shawna Marie Photography : Best of Hancock County

Shawna Marie Photography has been nominated as Best Photographer in Hancock County!
Voting begins today at ! If you love my pics, I would love it if you go vote! Photographer is the very last category at the bottom of the page! ❤ Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time!

Newborn | Brandon

I have had a huge influx of newborns lately ... quarantine babies? lol. Who knows, but I am LOVING IT! This little guy did great, and you can see how proud his big brother is too! I am booking newborns a good 1-2 months out right now, so be sure to get ahold of me by around 30 weeks if you'd like to ensure a spot for your newborn! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 317-319-6045

Newborn Edison | Indy newborn photographer

I had this adorable little guy in last week! He was fantastic, didn't make a peep during our session! I could have played and played all day. We got a lot of great images! Here are a few of my favorites! If you'd like to book your own newborn session, call or text 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info!

Newborns Proctor and Ella and Eleanor

I have been busy busy this summer, and as always I am behind on putting sessions on my blog. While I'm over here trying to get it together, here are some super adorable pictures! Not responsible for any baby fever they induce! <3 If you want your own amazing newborn pictures, be sure to get your appointment booked as soon as you can! The beginning of your 2nd trimester is a great time to get this process started! Just give me a call or text at 317-319-6045 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can discuss your session!

Baby Evie: Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

I had so much fun photographing this little sweetie and her family! She may have pooped on literally EVERYTHING and everyone haha, but she was seriously the cutest! If you're looking for some fun and unique newborn photos, give us a call 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set up your session!

Newborn baby holding phone.
Hold the phone and get to Shawna Marie Photography for all of your newborn photos!

Newborn Twin Photo Session | Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

I know I have been blogging lots of seniors lately, as it's that season, but I had to take a minute to get these super sweet twins up here! First of all, as some of you know,  on Black Friday this past year, my  then 17 year old son was in a terrible car accident. His first responder team came to visit him in the hospital, and while there, they said they have never come up on an wreck like that and been able to visit the person in the crash after (as in most don't survive that sort of crash) I am SO SO incredibly thankful for that team, and all of the nurses and doctors who cared for my son and got him back to where he is today (which is WONDERFUL and Normal!)  So, imagine my surprise when the daddy of these precious littles walks in and happens to be one of the men on the first responder team that saved my son's life <3  Yes, they got a discount! haha And yes, I do always offer a first responder and military discount. You just have to ask!  Now who's ready to check out all of this adorableness?

Hancock Health Newborn Photos- Fresh 48 and present parents

This week I'm taking a quick break from posting my seniors to talk a little more about my newborns! I have been up at Hancock Health for 2 months now, and I am having a blast! I just love getting to snuggle on all the new babies. Seriously, BEST.JOB.EVER.  Here's the thing. I am getting a lot of new mommas and dads too, who are opting not to be in the photos because they "Don't look good enough" Don't be that person! Seriously, you just had a baby! No one expects you to look like a super model. You can't get these memories back. Not everyone has to see them, but you and your little one will be SO glad you're in the photos someday! If you're breast feeding (or not!) we can take feeding photos, we can just take photos of you holding your little one, we can use your hands, have you in the background kind of blurred out etc ... but be present! You won't regret it! I have found in the past weeks as I've pushed it just a tiny bit more, when I look at the galleries, guess which photos moms and dads are favoriting? You got it! The ones they are in! These aren't meant to be glamour shots! These are REAL LIFE. These are minutes and memories that will fade very quickly. These photos will be all you have left as your baby grows and changes in the weeks and months to come. So, moms and dads, even if you haven't showered or put on makeup or brushed your hair ... it's ok. Let's just show that sweet baby how in love you were from the very first moment. :)

Hancock Health Newborn Photographer | Hospital Newborn Photos

I have some super exciting news about my newborn photography! (Don't worry, I'm still doing senior photos full time!)  I am still doing in studio newborn sessions as well, however, I was recently asked to be the newborn photographer with Hancock Health, and I decided that it would be an awesome opportunity! Who doesn't want to hang around babies every day? lol! Ok, well maybe not everyone does, but it's my dream job! So here's the deal! If you are delivering at Hancock, you get a free new arrival session with me! The best part? It's IN your hospital room. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything! I come right to you! I call in or come up to the hospital Mon-Fri to check in and see if patients would like to have their new arrival session. On the weekends and holidays, the nurses will give you my brochure and you can send me a text so I can work out a time with you! It's that simple! Also, if you want to schedule your time with me so that you can involve siblings or grandparents, you can text or call me as well. 317-319-6045.

So what is this exactly? I come in and do a mini fresh 48 style shoot (about 15 minutes), then I will ask if you'd like a blanket or basket posed shot at the end. The hospital will put an announcement in the newspaper for you (for free) if you'd like, and I will send you a digital birth announcement for free as well! Be sure to check out the sample announcements in this post! I will also create a gallery with all of the photos that I take and you will be able to view and order from it for 2 weeks. This session does not replace a full newborn session, but it is so great to have those first moments! As a momma of 4, I know how quickly that hospital look disappears and just how hard it is to remember it. I so wish I had these photos of my babies! (Especially right now as I'm sitting here trying to post a new blog and listening to them scream at each other! ha!) Soak it all in! It goes entirely too fast!

Another perk to delivering at Hancock Health is, if you would like a FULL newborn session with Shawna Marie Photography, you can have it at 50% off the session fee! That's a $100 savings! All you have to do is book while you are pregnant or still in the hospital!

Here is the link to the hospital blog announcing me as their photographer
And you can check out one of my digital announcements below! If you have any questions about how this works, don't hesitate to contact me! You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call/text 317-319-6045!

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]


Did you make a cute pregnancy announcement for Christmas? If you did,  go to our Facebook Page at and follow the steps on this photo!

1. Like this post, share this post and post your video in the comments here! On January 5th at 11:00PM the video comment with the most likes will win a $200 gift card for a newborn session at Shawna Marie Photography! ALL other entries will get $50 off their newborn session if they book by Jan 30th, 2017! Only one entry per person! If you didn't, but you know someone who announced their pregnancy for Christmas, please share as well!

Indianapolis Newborn Photographer | Baby Lucas

Had a great shoot a few weeks ago with baby Lucas and his family! He was such a great sleeper and his big brother, Benjamin was so good too! I love the family photos so much! And check out the little Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and his pizza! If you want fun, unique newborn pictures like these, be sure and call while you are still pregnant! I like to get my little guys/girls in before they are 2 weeks old if possible! Just shoot me an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 317-319-6045 for an appointment!

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Indiana Newborn Photography | Featuring Baby Noah

I'm a little behind blogging my newborns as I got super crazy wrapped up in Senior sessions this past Fall. I just loved this little guy's session and his parents were great:)  I am looking forward to filling my 2016 Calendar with Newborn sessions! I got some cute new props for Christmas and can't wait to try them out! Give me a call if you are expecting! It's never too early! 317-319-6045 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule your consultation and session :) Now for the good stuff ... Check him out :)
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Indiana Newborn Photographer | Meet Baby Maya

In the midst of the many seniors I have been shooting lately, I have had some newborns as well! This is the beautiful baby Maya with her Dad and her Mom as well :) If you are looking for a newborn photographer, we like to schedule you while you are still pregnant if possible! If you've already had your baby, it's ok! We will do our best to work you in. Babies photograph best in the first 10-14 days in order to get the curled up beautiful shots you see throughout my page. Give me a call 317-319-6045 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to set  your newborn session up!

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