Indiana Newborn Photography | Featuring Baby Noah

I'm a little behind blogging my newborns as I got super crazy wrapped up in Senior sessions this past Fall. I just loved this little guy's session and his parents were great:)  I am looking forward to filling my 2016 Calendar with Newborn sessions! I got some cute new props for Christmas and can't wait to try them out! Give me a call if you are expecting! It's never too early! 317-319-6045 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule your consultation and session :) Now for the good stuff ... Check him out :)
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Thanksgiving week Charity Features. | Inspiration Through Art

As promised, this week I am going to feature each photography related charity that I actively participate in. The first charity I am featuring is very near and dear to my heart. Inspiration Through Art. Through ITA I am connected with children suffering from a chronic illness. We provide photos free of charge for their families to mark this part of their lives be it, remission, recovery, time for surgery or to preserve their memory for their families when they pass on. Meeting these kids can be gut wrenching, but they are all so amazing, and you walk away with a new connection to some of the strongest kids and families you will ever meet. You can connect with ITA on facebook  here .

ITA goes beyond just photographing these kids. If you are not a photographer, you can still participate in this program. The connection with these children doesn't end with their photos. They can be paired with someone who sends them a birthday box and/or other boxes throughout the year if they are hospitalized or homebound. They also give away mini getaways for nominated families. Donations are always welcome to help keep the program running, if you'd like to help in that way.

I will leave you with a couple of photos from my own ITA photo sessions ... First up ... Aleigha. This little girl has been through so much, but she is always so spunky and cute and with God and Pink, she can do anything! A little princess for sure :)  You can read Aleigha's story HERE . It goes way back. She's been in remission, but right now, she's battling another kind of cancer so keep her in your prayers!

Next up ... Meet Grace. Grace was adopted by this amazing family, and she had several things going on... Graces' parents contacted me when she was going to be at Riley for surgery for her CHD. They wanted this time in their lives documented. They were so great and fun to meet. You can read more about Grace and her family HERE ...

And then, something I wasn't prepared for ... my own daughter was able to benefit from ITA. I chose to be the photographer who did her photos, but I applied because ITA is great about getting those stories out there, and the more we can learn about the different things children can suffer from, the better. My daughter was diagnosed with CHIARI MALFORMATION and went through decompression surgery about 15 months ago. She is doing great now. You can read her story HERE.

Baby Ellerie and big sis Delainey | Indiana Newborn Photographer

I have had the pleasure of working with this family a couple of times. I did Miss Delainey's newborn photos 2 years ago, and they brought her and her newborn baby sis, Ellerie, for photos this time. We did Ellerie's newborn photos and a couple of photos for Delainey's 2 year pictures. They are such adorable little girls. I had a great time with them :)

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Newborn Cora Jean | Indiana Newborn Photographer

I loved this session. I love all newborn sessions! This little girl was sleepy and easy to shoot. We got to use a lot of different poses and props :) Here are some of my favorites! Don't miss the one where she is peeing down her daddy's arms. lol!

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New Year Baby! | Noblesville Newborn Photographer

This little guy was the first New Years baby at his hospital and my first newborn of the year 2012. He was such an adorable little guy with a wonderful family! I had such a great time photographing him! How can you not want to squeeze this cuteness?


Cousins | Indianapolis child photographer

So much fun with these two! My daughter and my cousin's daughter. They have grown up 5 hours away, but have become good friends despite the distance :) Love our family!  Here are a few of my faves ....