Senior Session Give Away | Indianapolis Senior Photographer

So at some point every day I try and have a little quiet prayer time. With 4 kids, it's usually hiding in the shower or something, but I sneak it in whenever I can! haha. This morning I started my usual prayer session thanking God for all he's done for us lately, when it hit me how every day lately I've been asking, begging, pleading for something ... be it my daughter's health, financial stuff, and of course just the general health and wellbeing of all of my kids and family members. Today I stopped myself from asking for any of that, and I asked ... what can I do for you today? How can I bless someone else? Well, admittedly, most of the time when I am praying, I start out praying, then 5 minutes later I realize my mind has gone to the softball game from the weekend, or the bills waiting to be paid downstairs, or the bathroom that needs cleaned... you get the gist. So this morning after I got that out I found my mind wandering to gosh, wouldn't it be cool if I could donate a session to a senior who really needed it? What if I could make it even bigger than that, and get them styled before the session, have a cute outfit donated? My thoughts were going crazy trying to plan it all out... Then the smack on the head.... HELLLLLOOO you were praying remember? But wait? This time, maybe my mind wasn't just wandering. Maybe I was actually hearing what God was saying? Yep, I definitely believe that I was. So here you have it!

I am going to put in a call/email to the school guidance counselors to see if they have any recommendations, but I also want my family, friends, clients and facebook fans to nominate kids for me! I know God didn't ask me to do this without someone in mind. I know I'll find out who it was. Once I have the submissions, they will be carefully prayed over to choose my winner. Submissions will be taken until Oct 25th and I will contact the winner by Oct 27th to arrange the session! I would like to have it done in the first 2 weeks of November.  I want to make this big for this kid, whoever it may be, so if you feel like you'd like to donate a hair/makeup session or a gift card for that, or a gift card for clothing for the session, or if you are another vendor and would like to donate something to give them... Anything! Let me know! You can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !

I am so excited about this! Can't wait to make it happen! Please SHARE this post all over Facebook, Twitter etc to help me get the word out!

<3 Shawna


Looking for Senior Reps for the class of 2013

If you will be graduating with the class of 2013 and would like to apply to be a Rep for Shawna Marie Photography you may now fill out an application. Just click the link in the toolbar that says become a senior rep! Or go to and fill out the form! Also, go like my facebook fan page at and start sharing with your friends! The more bookings I get off of you, the more awesome free stuff you get! Sooo start talking about us!